Thursday, June 24, 2010

Finished Reading: Vampire Academy

I wish I could explain why I continue to read the teenage-vampire genre. Most of the time I have no explanation, but I feel like this time I kind of did. I was involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters not long ago. My "match" ended a couple of months ago, but I continue to hear from my little Melissa. Over the last couple of weeks, I've been getting tons of "my summer is so boring" messages from her and when I heard she hadn't had a chance to hit up the library for new reading materials, I thought I would take it upon myself to find some stuff for her to read and snail mail them to her. She was/is really into the Twilight books, so I sought out for something similar, but I wanted to read it first, lest there be anything terribly inappropriate. Thanks to Google and Yahoo! Answers, I stumbled upon the Vampire Academy series. I just finished the first book. As far as young adult vampire romance fiction, I thought it was fairly on par with Twilight, but it is half as long, has a more interesting characters and lacks most of the misogynistic message Twilight so readily poisoned young people with. But this isn't about my dislike of Stephanie Meyer and her woman-hating series. . . Where was I? Oh yes, Vampire Academy. The story is told through Rose, a dhampir (half vamp, half human) teenager. Rose and her very close friend, Lissa (a Moroi or "good" vampire) are students at school for Moroi and their future dhampir guardians. The school is like a Hogwarts for the UV intolerant; it's a heavily guarded boarding school for kids who know about magic. For the most part, the story is about high school politics with a little blood drinking brought up from time to time. There is some forbidden love and vicious teenage girls, but the central focus of the novel is of the friendship between the two main female characters and I really appreciated that element. As this is the first book in the series, there was more setting up the story than having an actual conflict, but I'm hopeful that there is a little more action in the subsequent novels. And I'm really hoping they find a different guy for Rose to be into. The details of Rose's romantic situation is a little icky if you ask me. Regardless, this book was alright. I didn't love it, but I liked it enough to pick up the sequel. I dunno, I'll be interested to hear how 17 year-old Melissa likes it.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

At The Movies

I've headed to the movies a couple of times over the last few days and had more success than expected, which is always nice.

On Friday, Alex and I saw "Get Him To The Greek". I definitely went with low expectations. I figured that they probably showed all the funny parts in the preview and would walk away having chuckled once or twice. Well, I was wrong. This movie was so funny. I don't care if I'm the only person who walked away still laughing, I thought it was funny. Russell Brand and Jonah Hill were about what I expected, I mean I remember Aldous Snow from Forgetting Sarah Marshall and knew what I was getting into there. What I didn't see coming were Rose Byrne and Sean "P. Diddy" Combs. Rose Byrne (of Damages fame) played Jackie Q, the ridiculous ex-girlfriend of Aldous Snow. She managed to be just as outrageous as he is and I loved it. Not only did we have one rock/pop star with raunchy song lyrics, we had two and it was glorious. Sean Combs, P. Diddy, Puff Daddy (whatever you want to call him these days) was probably my favorite part. I completely underestimated that man. The whole scene in the Vegas hotel room had me crying, I was laughing so hard. This was a definite win in my book.

Last night Dad and I caught The A-Team. As I happen to be a big fan this kind of action flick, I really liked this one. I thought it was very well cast, and the one-liner humor was pretty spot on. There isn't really much to say about it. The story is pretty simple and things got blown to shit. What more could you ask for?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hip Hop Class With Tyson

Tyson has been trying to get me to go to a hip hop class with him for a while now. Well, Dad is gearing up for his motorcycle trip and cancelled Movie Tuesday, so my evening was free. I dunno, I was feeling adventurous or something.

I'm not sure what I was expecting.

I really wasn't expecting to be the only person in the class that really couldn't dance. This is 24 hour fitness, after all. It's not that the dance was difficult, the footwork was easy enough to follow (remembering was a different story). But As I'm stumbling through the routine, I'm looking around me and there are older ladies with mom haircuts who are popping and juking to the music with impressive enthusiasm. I on the other hand looked like a person, deserted on a remote island, signaling a passing plane for help.

Overall, it was fun. Perhaps I'll give it another try next week.