My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Last fall, I was going to attend Sherrilyn's book signing at my local bookstore so I picked up a copy of the book prior to the event. I had all of the best intentions to pick it up, but I think I must have read the back cover 20 times before taking the plunge.
Here's the good, bad and ugly on Sherrilyn Kenyon and Dianna Love's "Blood Trinity":
The good - The writing is fabulous. The story progresses at a nice pace. I don't feel that it drags at any point and it had my attention from page 1 to page 518. I really liked some of the characters and I wish that the focus had been more on the VIPER folks rather than on Evalle. Evalle spends a lot of the book by herself, where I would have liked to see her interact a bit more with other people in the book.
The bad - I didn't care much for the central character Evalle. First of all, the girl's name is Evalle. I don't care that early it's broken down that it's pronounced "E-vahl", I'm going to continue to read it as "evil". Second, she's the classic female-with-chip-on-shoulder type that I tend to find rather annoying. This book was also all over the place. It should be noted that "Blood Trinity" is book 1 in the Belador series. I'm not sure if I'm to expect future books in this series to be 17 story lines wrapped into to one or if, as the first book in the series it was trying to introduce all of the characters, or what. Oh, and did I mention that it is 500+ pages long?
The ugly - The resolution for Evalle's dead body in the morgue (of which the story opens with) was COMPLETELY unsatisfying. The body in the morgue gets a lot of things rolling and it's just kind of nonchalantly wrapped up in a couple of sentences near the end of the book.
I know I just spouted off a bunch of criticisms, but at the end of the day, I did feel that "Blood Trinity" was a fun read. I picked it up in the Romance section of the book store, but I didn't feel that it was truly a "romance". There is a romantic interest, but there isn't a central romance - this was an element I liked about it. The Belador series definitely has my attention and I look forward to picking it up when it comes out this fall (2011).
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