It's been a crazy weekend. . . . but totally awesome.
Friday: We all went and saw "My Bloody Valentine". It's in 3D. I'm not really sure what that says about us. Does going to a movie solely because it's in 3D make us really cool or, rather, really nerdy. When it comes down to it, I'm not sure. All I know is that you can't give Tyson, Jess and I ridiculous looking glasses. Why, you might ask? Because if you do, we will stay up until 1:30AM taking pictures of ourselves, like so:

Saturday: Also a blast. Jess and I made a day trip down to Corvallis to see Emily for the day. Jess let me listen to Journey in the car. It was amazing. We had a really nice lunch, hung out for the afternoon, got some drinks, and went to the OSU basketball game. Em was right on the team being really bad. . . . Trips like that with Jess are always too much fun, and I'm glad we could do all that yesterday.
It's kind of nice to have something that semi-resembles a social life. It seems like between Anne's wedding, and work getting crazy this fall, I hadn't had much time for fun. Lately, it's been two weeks of too-much-fun having. I hope it doesn't end anytime soon.